Melanie Anderson – Theory Dog Grooming Tutor
Ever found yourself sat at work wondering if life can get any better than this? Well, that was me, about to turn 40 and miserable in my job. You think that is simply all life has to offer you until you suddenly wake up and realise you deserve so much more…
I needed more than a career change, I needed to find something I was passionate about, I needed a reason to wake up in the morning with a smile. That feeling of dread, going into work will never go away until you put yourself in a job you love.
One of my biggest passions in life, from a young age, was dogs so I knew my new career needed to be with them. I was a breeder for many years and the desire to surround myself with furry, four-legged friends was undeniable.
Along came Gemma, my mentor, my trainer, eventually my friend and now my business partner! I am the first person to tell the world that Gemma is the best of the best when it comes to grooming, she has taught me all I know and I will be forever grateful to her for her guidance over the years.
I gained my qualification in dog grooming and my new career began. I now have that smile on my face when I wake up in the morning ready to start the day. I have built a business some will only dream of and I have clients who have been with me on my journey from the beginning, who I now call my friends.
I pride myself on being the best I can be. For me dog grooming is more than just the groom itself. When each dog walks through my salon door they become one of my own. They are treated the way I treat my own dogs, with respect, patience, care and plenty of kisses! The well-being of any dog for me outweighs the perfection of a groom. My aim each and every time is to have the dog happy to return to my care.
It is clear to see how important dogs are in this world. They deserve dog groomers who groom with their heart and human clients deserve to leave their favourite friend with a person they can trust. I am here to teach you all there is to know about the business side of grooming, first aid, teeth cleaning, etc… and to support you all the way through the theory side of your course from start to finish.
I ensure that my own ability to groom is the best it can be. I am continuously learning and researching to be an up-to-date wealth of knowledge to those who need it and to enable me to be the best groomer I can possibly be; not only to my students but I also owe it to the dogs I groom in my own salon.
I train my students to a high standard with compassion and empathetic understanding of each and every dog they are lucky enough to groom.

Gemma Birch – Practical Dog Grooming Tutor
I’m going to start this with a wish, the reality of a dream. My wish is for anyone who’s thinking of becoming a dog groomer to leap at the opportunity. To love and appreciate it as much as I have during my almost 20 year career. You are able to be part of what I believe, is the best profession in the world. Grab it with both hands!
During my time I’ve worked with so many people from all walks of life and I have grooms 1000’s of dogs, all shapes and sizes. I’ve groomed dogs in pet trims, breed standard and even shows. I have learnt so much about the dogs, not just their grooms but their behaviour and how to treat each dog as an individual and I learn more each and every day. No two dogs are the same and no two days are ever the same either.
It is an honour to be a dog groomer. It’s hard work both mentally and physically but honestly, I never want to do anything else.
I have been teaching for more than half of my career. I’ve trained many apprentices who have worked beside me and become fabulous groomers. I’ve trained at a grooming school previously and most of my students are running fantastic, successful salons. I am full of pride knowing that the ones who deserved this gift have become beautiful natured, skilled groomers. That is all we can ask for.
Dogs loare not just animals. They’re soul mates to many, they are the reason a lot of people get up in the morning, they’re a blessing to us. Each dog deserves respect, patience and dignity throughout their life and being their groomers we should always abide by this. We are after all being trusted with someone’s pet, a family member to most.
Don’t waste anymore time sitting in a job that makes you miserable. Give yourself a future you deserve, a future that makes you smile. That’s exactly what I did, and I’ve never looked back.
If you are in two minds whether to begin this journey of a lifetime, trust me, as someone who has been grooming more than half my life, it’s 100% worth the leap. You are in safe hands. I promise to do my upmost to provide support to all my students past and present.
Here at Academy for Pawfectionists we aim to give you the best experience possible. We want each student who walks through our door to leave feeling they can take on the world. We are here to support you long after you receive your qualification.
Knowledge and confidence are two major attributes to becoming a successful dog groomer. With the right knowledge you become confident and being confident in your skills encourages the love.
Imagine going to work everyday and loving your job. I still feel that it is downplayed by calling it a job. To love what you earn a living from is a luxury very few have.
Start your own dreams here at Academy for Pawfectionists. Because living the dream can become a reality.